==語音== | ||
Ladefoged, Peter. | A course in phonetics | |
Johnson, Keith, | Acoustic and auditory phonetics | |
Stevens, Kenneth N., | Acoustic phonetics | |
Bauman-Wangler, Jacqueline Ann. | Articulatory and phonological impairments : a clinical focus | |
Sagisaka, Y. | Computing prosody : computational models for processing spontaneous speech | |
Young, Steve, | Corpus-based methods in language and speech processing | |
Whitney, William Dwight, | Language and the study of language : twelve lectures on the principles of linguistic science | |
Sluijter, Agatha Martha Cornelia, | Phonetic correlates of stress and accent | |
Fox, Anthony, | Prosodic features and prosodic structure : the phonology of suprasegmentals | |
Beckman, Mary E. | Stress and non-stress accent | |
Ladefoged, Peter. | The sounds of the world's languages | |
Pham, Andrea Hoa, | Vietnamese tone : a new analysis | |
Davis, Pamela J. | Vocal fold physiology : controlling complexity and chaos | |
Fujimura, Osamu, | Vocal fold physiology : voice quality control | |
Ladefoged, Peter. | Vowels and consonants : an introduction to the sounds of languages | |
Baayen, R. Harald. | Word frequency distributions | |
==聽覺感知== | ||
Pickles, James O. | An introduction to the physiology of hearing | |
Moore, Brian C. J. | An introduction to the psychology of hearing | |
Bregman, Albert S. | Auditory scene analysis : the perceptual organization of sound | |
McCracken, Wendy, | Deaf-ability--not disability : a guide for the parents of hearing impaired children | |
Powell, Frank. | Education of the hearing impaired child | |
Yost, William A. | Fundamentals of hearing : an introduction | |
Tobias, Jerry V., | Foundations of modern auditory theory, | |
Cooke, Martin. | Modelling auditory processing and organisation | |
Schouten, Marten Egbertus Hendrik, | The Auditory processing of speech : from sounds to words | |
Goodman, Judith, | The Development of speech perception : the transition from speech sounds to spoken words | |
McAdams, Stephen. | Thinking in sound : the cognitive psychology of human audition | |
Tsur, Reuven. | What makes sound patterns expressive? : the poetic mode of speech perception | |
Loritz, Donald, | How the brain evolved language | |
==數學統計== | ||
Shafer, Glenn, | A mathematical theory of evidence | |
Wallerstein, David V. | A variational approach to structural analysis | |
Balakrishnan, A. V. | Applied functional analysis | |
Yager, Ronald R., | Advances in the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence | |
Ghosh, J. K. | An introduction to Bayesian analysis : theory and methods | |
Mukhopadhyay, Nitis, | Applied sequential methodologies : real-world examples with data analysis | |
Taniguchi, Masanobu. | Asymptotic theory of statistical inference for time series | |
Muller, Peter, | Bayesian inference in wavelet based models | |
Bernardo, J. M. | Bayesian statistics 6 : proceedings of the Sixth Valencia International Meeting, June 6-10, 1998 | |
Urakawa, Hajime, | Calculus of variations and harmonic maps | |
Telksnys, Laimutis. | Detection of changes in random processes | |
Neveu, J. | Discrete-parameter martingales | |
Rue, Havard. | Gaussian Markov random fields : theory and applications | |
Wu, Yanhong. | Inference for change-point and post-change means after a CUSUM test | |
Lawler, Gregory F., | Intersections of random walks | |
Loader, Clive. | Local regression and likelihood | |
Bremaud, Pierre. | Markov chains : Gibbs fields, Monte Carlo simulation, and queues | |
Kindermann, Ross, | Markov random fields and their applications | |
Khoshnevisan, Davar. | Multiparameter processes : an introduction to random fields | |
Tong, Howell. | Non-linear time series : a dynamical system approach | |
Schmitz, N. | Optimal sequentially planned decision procedures | |
Shiriaev, A. N. | Optimal stopping rules | |
Spitzer, Frank, | Principles of random walk | |
Davenport, Wilbur B. | Probability and random processes : an introduction for applied scientists and engineers | |
Papoulis, Athanasios, | Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes. | |
Higgins, J. R. | Sampling theory in Fourier and signal analysis : advanced topics | |
Wetherill, G. Barrie. | Sequential methods in statistics | |
Moore, Marc. | Spatial statistics : methodological aspects and applications | |
Charniak, Eugene. | Statistical language learning | |
Beran, Jan, | Statistics for long-memory processes | |
Kushner, Harold J. | Stochastic approximation and recursive algorithms and applications | |
Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E. | Stochastic geometry : likelihood and computation | |
Stoyan, Dietrich. | Stochastic geometry and its applications | |
Rubenstein, Reuven Y. | The cross entropy method : a unified approach to combinatorial optimization, Monte-Carlo simluation, | |
Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich. | The nature of statistical learning theory | |
Govindarajulu, Z. | The sequential statistical analysis of hypothesis testing, point and interval estimation, and decision | |
Jury, Eliahu Ibrahim, | Theory and application of the z-transform method | |
Vich, Robert. | Z transform theory and applications | |
Hollingsworth, Charles A. | Vectors, matrices, and group theory for scientists and engineers | |
Tolimieri, Richard, | Time-frequency representations | |
==信號處理== | ||
Goodwin, Michael M., | Adaptive signal models : theory, algorithms, and audio applications | |
Vaseghi, Saeed V. | Advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction | |
Kahrs, Mark. | Applications of digital signal processing to audio and acoustics | |
Haykin, Simon S., | Array signal processing | |
Johnson, Don H. | Array signal processing : concepts and techniques | |
Nikias, Chrysostomos L. | Higher-order spectra analysis : a nonlinear signal processing framework | |
Mathews, V. John. | Polynomial signal processing | |
==樣型識別== | ||
Devroye, Luc. | A probabilistic theory of pattern recognition | |
Breiman, Leo. | Classification and regression trees | |
IFCS Conference | Classification, clustering and data analysis | |
Bishop, Christopher M. | Pattern recognition and machine learning | |
Berthold, M. | Intelligent data analysis : an introduction | |
==唱片== | ||
Winston, George. prf | All the seasons of George Winston piano solos. | |
Baez, Joan. | Joan Baez : the universal masters collection. | |
Schonberg, Claude-Michel. | Les miserables= 悲慘世界 : the musical that swept the world. | |
Chicago (band) | The Chicago story : complete greatest hits | |
Dave Brubeck Quartet. | The Dave Brubeck Quartet, featuring Paul Desmond, Stardust | |
Monk, Thelonious. | Thelonious Monk the complete Riverside recordings | |
==運動== | ||
Houseworth, Steven D., | Coaching baseball effectively : the American Coaching Effectiveness Program level 1 baseball book | |
Murphy, Pat, | Complete conditioning for baseball | |
Will, George F. | Men at work : the craft of baseball | |
Delavier, Frederic. | Strength training anatomy | |
==哲學== | ||
史作檉 | 三月後的五卷 : 愛欲辨證與電影美學 | |
牟宗三 | 理則學 | |
史作檉 | 現代中國人與中國哲學 | |
楊大春 | 解構理論 | |
蔡璧名 | 身體與自然 : 以〈黃帝內經素問〉為中心論古代思想傳統中的身體觀 | |
黃敬雅 | The painting world of a philosopher, Shih, Tso-Cheng | |
==健康保健== | ||
謝慶良 | 保健脊椎護一生 | |
吉岳 | 中國明視氣功 | |
劉曉祥 | 背骨疾病防治法 : 脊椎異常的自我矯正 | |
==民族文化== | ||
江運貴 | 客家與台灣 | |
臺灣總督府臨時臺灣舊慣調查會 | 番族慣習調查報告書 | |
李乾朗 | 新竹市都城隍廟建築藝術與歷史 | |
笠原政治 | 臺灣原住民族映像 : 淺井惠倫教授攝影集 | |
瓦歷斯諾幹 | 泰雅影像紀錄展專輯 | |
鹿野忠雄 | 山.雲與蕃人 : 台灣高山紀行 | |
郭英豪 | 雪山山脈縱橫行 | |
==科學文化= | ||
平克 (Pinker, Steven) | 語言本能 : 探索人類語言進化的奧秘 | |
Bammel, Gene | 休閒與人類行為 | |
==資訊時代== | ||
劉仲鑫 | 個人通信系統 | |
張文澤 | 數位電路實習 | |
Noble, James | 記憶體受限系統之程式開發 : 針對記憶體受限系統而整理的範式 | |
笠野英松 | MPEG-4最新動態影像壓縮標準、引領數位視訊全方位運用 | |
野牧 | 從烽火臺到電子信息 | |
Kaur, Jmeb | 維基百科攻略 : 知識分享最前線 | |
Atkinson, Leon | MySQL核心技術探索 | |
何大偉 | Dreamweaver 4網頁奇兵 | |
陳周造 | C++ Builder 5徹底研究 | |
曾孝明 | 臺灣的知識經濟 : 困境與迷思 | |
Kabir,Mohammed J. | Apache Server徹底研究 | |
Aulds, Charles | Apache網頁伺服器管理與應用 | |
Dalheimer, Matthias Kalle. | Programming with Qt | |
Zolzer, Udo. | DAFX : digital audio effects | |
Pohlmann, Ken C. | Principles of digital audio | |
Nelson, Mark, | The data compression book | |
Pennebaker, William B. | JPEG still image data compression standard | |
奇斯 (Keys, David) | 西曆535年大浩劫 | |
杭士基 (Chomsky, Noam) | 流氓國家 : 國際情勢的藏鏡人 | |
林道明 | 臺灣饅頭美國兵 |